What Can I do to Improve Campus Climate?
Take the Pledge
By signing this pledge, you are improving campus climate by seeking a deeper understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion, challenging myself and others to grow, and supporting efforts to make UMD more inclusive and diverse.
Faculty & Staff
- Sign Up for Equity & Diversity Certificate Program
- Join an Intercultural Leadership Development (ILD) Cohort
- Sign Up for Implicit Bias Workshops
- Attend an Event Related to Diversity/Culture
- Report an Incident (Incident Reporting Form)
- Attend an Event Related to Diversity/Culture
- Join or Create a Student Organization Dedicated to Positive Change
- Get Connected to Got Your Back! UMD
- Report an Incident (Incident Reporting Form)
What can I do to Improve my Community?
- Create intentional space on a regular basis to have conversations with your friends, family, peers about ability, gender, race, sexuality and other identities and experiences.
- Listen to people's experiences when they decide to share. You can also listen by attending events or spaces dedicated to hearing those stories and experiences.
- Donate to local organizations, scholarship funds, or efforts dedicated to improving the community.
- Join different groups or organizations that are working to expand the impact of equity based work.
- Call out injustices when you see them
- Make your voice heard: write a letter to your representatives, attend a city council meeting, protest actions or practices that fail to effectively push our communities forward.
- Find out what other people are doing on campus.
- Find resources on UMD's Goal 2.
- Get inspired: see who's signed the pledge.